Decreasing Egg prices put Egg Farmers at loss

decrease in egg prices lead to loss for farmers

Decreasing egg prices have put egg farmers at a loss once again. The winter is leaving and with the arrival of summer, egg prices have started a steep decline.

Each year during the summer months the demand for eggs decreases and with that, the price of eggs also starts to fall. The price is predicted to increase once again during the monsoon season.

This year saw one of the biggest price surges in February since February 2023. the egg prices surged 10.69% this year. In January the prices had risen 6.6% year on year.

Decreasing Egg prices put Egg Farmers at loss

During the winter and festive seasons people tend to consume more eggs and bakery products. There’s an abundance of soups, cakes, and sweets. This demand leads to more demand for eggs which results in a surge in egg prices.

Currently, the wholesale egg prices are declining. The price of one egg has decreased from 6.05 per piece to only Rs 4, per piece. This is putting the egg farmers at a loss.

The production of one egg costs Rs, 4.5, and selling them for Rs, 4 puts the farmers at a loss. Egg farmers are just waiting for the prices to stabilize again so that they can gain a profit.

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